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The Very Happy Boy

There was a very happy boy.
He really loved his birth.
He thought of them with utmost joy,
the heaven and the earth.

The common child is of a kind,
the way it dresses up,
the way its parents value mind
and make of tea a cup.

He was himself the only one
to grow the way he had.
Himself the value to be won
he was and he was glad.

Perhaps he never would be found.
He was perhaps ignored.
Though, such a boy to have around
is funny, to the Lord.

The Lord would make him grow and learn,
a treasure found, to some.
And, when to Heaven he did turn
he would to justice come.

Though, what to fathom, on the earth,
is that the being so
that truly you are not of worth
is really way to go.

That is the essence of the man
as different from her.
The very lovely being can
not in that way occur.

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